Thursday 13 June 2013

What Emily has learnt about antarctica

                                            What I have learnt about Antarctica
Antarctica is a continent in the Southern Hemisphere. It holds 70% of the world’s fresh water. It also holds  90% of the ice in the world. I have learnt that there are minke whales, krill, leopard seals, southern elephant seals, emperor penguins, squid, Weddell seal and snow petrel. These are just some of the animals in Antarctica. I also know that Antarctica is very slowly melting. The temperature will get warmer and Antarctica will melt but this should only happen in centuries also if the ice were to melt it would raise the earths sea levels by almost 70 metres. The temperature is rising 2.5 degrees every 50 years.the ice layer is 1.6km thick and the lowest recorded temperature is -89 celcies. Antarctica is a dessert and is very very cold. Antarctica is so cold that skin would freeze in at least 60 seconds. Antarctica is the 5th largest continent in the world. Antarctica is one of the windiest places on the Earth.


  1. Hi Emily,
    You have learnt alot about Antarctica so far and there is still alot to learn.
    I hope you enjoyed learning about Antarctica
    From Brianna

  2. Hi Emily,
    I think you have done a great job at remembering all of that info. I agree with every word you wrote
    Well done
    From Tiarhn

  3. Hi Tiarhn and Brianna
    Thank you for your comments.
    I am also looking forward to seeing what else we learnt .
    What is one of the most interesting things you have learnt about Antarctica ?
    Antarctica is an amazing place and how so many things to learn.
    What has been the best lesson on Antarctica ?
    From Emily
